List of music/video samples Meteor Museum

MP3 (all platforms)
Note: A player is needed for this format.   The MPEG1 layer 3 files are relatively small while offering near CD quality sound.   We suggest using the WinAmp and MacAmp players.

Meteor Drone 1 area (entrance)  829kb
Whisper Collage ramp  474kb
Video Dome  671kb
Meteor Drone 2  782kb
Red Egg  1,562kb
LiteShade  352kb
Meteor Drone 3  634kb
TransFlow Room  1,330kb
Meteor Drone 4 (exit)  1,713kb
QuickTime Movies (PC and MAC)
Note: A viewer is needed for this format as well.  The appropriate viewers and plug-ins can be found at Apple's QuickTime site.

Meteor Drone 1 area (entrance)  3,352kb
Whisper Collage ramp  2,739kb
Video Dome  3,148kb
Meteor Drone 2  1,212kb
Red Egg  3,979kb
LiteShade 1,136kb
Meteor Drone 3 2,281kb
TransFlow Room  5,422kb
Meteor Drone 4 (exit)  7,418kb

WAV (for PCs)

Meteor Drone 1 area (entrance)  1,143kb
Whisper Collage ramp  654kb
Video Dome   926kb
Meteor Drone 2  1,079kb
Red Egg  2,154kb
LiteShade  487kb
Meteor Drone 3  876kb
TransFlow Room  1,834kb
Meteor Drone 4 (exit)  2,362kb