"The TransFlow room functions as a single instrument, in which people jointogether to
create the evolving sounds and images," Tod Machover explains."This is the
culmination of the Meteorite voyage - where people awakenfrom their passive, dreamlike
journey and become active participants,shaping the music and light to create a surprising,
mysterious andstimulating new artistic force."
Everything moves rapidly, constantly, but always delicately. Moving clockwise around
the room, one discovers ways to make more and more intricate effects, finally
resynchronizing and calming everything at the final "interactive panels" before
exiting. TransFlow is an experience in artistic expression and participation, but
also in communication - people learn to play this instrument together, sending sounds and
images back and forth, listening to each other, and eventually coordinating to create a
beautiful ensemble performance. TransFlow was designed entirely by Tod Machover and
his team at the MIT Media Lab, with Chris Dodge in charge of visual design and technology,
and Ray Kinoshita responsible for the set and interfaces. In fact, the TransFlow
Room is the first permanent installation anywhere in the world designed by the Media Lab.