Upgrading your project

To upgrade your Rogus McBogus 1.5a project to Rogus McBogus 1.6a, follow these steps:
  1. Make a backup copy of your project.
  2. Delete the "Rogus Library" folder from your project directory.
  3. Start up emacs. (For those of you here in the Brain Opera group, just execute "\\theremin\bin\emacs-19.30\bin\emacs.bat". For other folks, you can get a copy of emacs which works under NT and 95 from Virtually Un*x.)
  4. Type "M-x load-file". When prompted for the file, specify the file "fixbool.el" located in the top level of the Rogus 1.6a distribution.
  5. Type "M-x fixbool". When prompted, specify the location of the top-level directory of your project.
  6. Wait until it is finished. It will have changed all occurrences of bool to Bool, true to True, and false to False.
  7. Exit emacs.
  8. Copy the "Rogus Library" folder from the Rogus 1.6a distribution into your project directory.
  9. Start up Microsoft Developer Studio and add "Rogus Library\Note Pair Score Player" to your list of include directories. (To do this, choose "Settings..." from the "Build" menu, then choose the "C/C++" file tab and select "Preprocessor" from the "Category" list. Then make sure that both the debug and release configurations of your project are highlighted in the left-hand side of the window, and then add the directory to the list of include directories.)
  10. You're done! Enjoy Rogus McBogus 1.6a.
Note: Make sure that your project is not open in Microsoft Developer Studio when you do steps 1-8.
Modified 1 June 1996 pepellet@mit.edu