
A parser is a class which tells Rogus how to handle incoming MIDI messages. The idea is that once your parser has been made active, Rogus checks the parser's msg_hnd array, based on the message type of the message. If msg_hnd for that message type is NULL, Rogus ignores the message. Otherwise, it calls the message handler whose address is in msg_hnd.

class parser {
  typedef void (*handlerp)( MIDI_msg* );
  handlerp msg_hnd[8]; // handlers for the basic message types
  void parse( DWORD p1, DWORD p2, UINT n );
  Bool handles( DWORD p );
  virtual ~parser();
handlerp msg_hnd[8]
The array of message handlers. This array is initialized to be all NULLs; your parser should set any elements it wants to be non-NULL in its constructor.
Constructor for parser. You should subclass parser for your own particular application, and instantiate that subclass, rather than actually instantiating a parser. Yes, parser should really be an abstract base class, but I haven't gotten around to doing that.
void parse( DWORD p1, DWORD p2, UINT n )
This is a member used internally by Rogus. What it does and what the arguments mean is none of your business. Yes, I know it shouldn't really be a public member, but this interface is left over from ancient, prehistoric times, and I haven't gotten around to cleaning it up.
Bool handles( DWORD p )
virtual ~parser()
The destructor. You should override this when you subclass parser to do whatever cleanup you want to do.

Modified 28 March 1996