
The text_win is an object which allows you to print to Rogus's text output window. There is only one text_win, and it can be accessed through the global object tw.

class text_win {
  void   pr( const char *format, ... );
  void  spr( const char *format, ... );
void pr( const char *format, ... )
tw.pr() prints its printf-style argument(s) to Rogus' text output window. Note that, for compatibility with older versions of Rogus, either \r or \n can be used to start a new line, but it is probably better to move toward using \n exclusively, since this is the standard the rest of the world uses.
void spr( const char *format, ... )
This does exactly the same thing as pr, and exists only for compatibility with older version of Rogus. You should use pr instead.

Modified 12 April 1996 pepellet@mit.edu