
The err_and_warn is an object which allows you issue errors, warnings, and informative messages which appear in Rogus's text output window. There is only one err_and_warn, and it can be accessed through the Rogus_McBogus member ew.

class err_and_warn {
  void e( const char *format, ... );
  void w( const char *format, ... );
  void i( const char *format, ... );
void e( const char *format, ... )
ew.e() prints its printf-style argument(s) in the text window, prepending "Error: ".
void w( const char *format, ... )
ew.w() writes its printf-style argument(s) to Rogus' text output window, prepending "Warning: ".
void i( const char *format, ... )
ew.a() simply prints its printf-style argument(s) in the text window, prepending "Info: ".