
A task_data is an object which contains information about a task to be scheduled. Note that creating a task_data does not schedule it; you have to use the scheduler to do that.

class task_data {
  task_data( my_wake_funcp f, void *a, long t );
  task_data( const MIDI_msg&  m, long t );
  task_data( const MIDI_msg& on, long dur, long t );
task_data( my_wake_funcp f, void *a, long t )
A task can be a function f with void* argument a scheduled for time t. Rogus has ZOR(TM) (Zero Overhead Rescheduling) for functions. This means that you can reschedule a function very quickly by having it return the number of half-milliseconds until its next invocation. If you don't want to reschedule the function, just return the Rogus constant NEVER.
task_data( const MIDI_msg& m, long t )
A task can be a MIDI_msg m scheduled for time t.
task_data( const MIDI_msg& on, long dur, long t )
A task can be a note on/note off pair with note on on and duration dur scheduled for time t. The note off will be generated by Rogus, just as it does for playnote().