How to use Rogus McBogus

To use the Rogus McBogus library, perform the following steps. Note that the full location of files and directories mentioned in the instructions below depend on where you have decided to put the contents of the Rogus distribution. For example, on my system I have chosen to break things up in a UNIX-like manner, so, "include" means "c:\usr\include\rogus\" and "Rog.lib" means "c:\usr\lib\rogus\Rog.lib".)

  1. Add the Rogus "include" directory to your project's include directories. In MSVC++, this option is located in menu "Build", menu item "Settings", tab "C/C++", category "Preprocessor", field "Additional include directories".
  2. Add the library "winmm.lib" to your project for both the Release and Debug configurations. In addition, add the library "Rog.lib" to the Release configuration of your project, and "Rog_Debug.lib" to the Debug configuration of your project. In MSVC++, these options are located in menu "Build", menu item "Settings", tab "Link", category "General", field "Object/library modules".
  3. Make sure you are using a multithreaded version of the C runtime library. In MSVC++, this option is located in menu "Build", item "Settings", tab "C/C++", category "Code Generation", field "Use run-time library".
  4. If you are using Microsoft Foundation Classes, you will need to explicitly #include <mmsystem.h> before you include any Rogus header files.