
The scheduler is a class which can be used to schedule tasks. (see task_data.) There is only one scheduler and it is created by the Rogus_McBogus object. It can be acessed via the member variable s of Rogus_McBogus.

class scheduler {
  err_ind play_note( const MidiMsg& on, ScheduleTime dur );
  err_ind insert( const task_data& td );
  err_ind insert( const task_data& td, task** task_return );
  err_ind cancel(task* t);
err_ind play_note( const MidiMsg& on, ScheduleTime dur )
play_note immediately sends out on which it assumes to be a note-on. The scheduler will send out the same message, with the velocity changed to zero, dur half-milliseconds later.
err_ind insert( const task_data& td )
This is used to schedule a task_data. If you schedule a task this way, there is no way to cancel it.
err_ind insert( const task_data& td, task** task_return )
This is as above, except that you should use this version of insert if you might want to cancel the task before it happens. You should provide the address of a task*, which the scheduler will then write the address of a task into. You can pass this pointer to cancel to cancel the task.
err_ind cancel(task* t)
Cancels the task t. Returns err if t is not a valid task or if it is a task which has already happened.