
A Recorder is an object which can record MIDI events. It records events which are specifically fed to it. The recording can then be retrieved by passing a pointer to the Recorder to the constructor of Score.

class Recorder {
  void insert(const MidiMsg*);
This constructor creates a new Recorder which starts out empty.
This destroys the Recorder. The recorded data is lost unless you first extract it using capture().
void insert(const MidiMsg* m)
This inserts the MIDI message m into the recording. The time field of the MIDI message determines where in the recording it will be placed; although the events will be automatically put in chronological order, note that inserting an event anywhere other than at the end of the recording may be highly inefficient. Note that it is okay to call insert at interrupt time, but it is not okay to call any of the other methods of Recorder at interrupt time.