Downloading Rogus McBogus

Rogus McBogus 1.5 Alpha is now publicly available. For your convenience, we have Rogus available in four different formats: After you download Rogus, be sure to read the files README and COPYING.

Notes about

Please note that the zip file uses long filenames, and cannot be extracted with an MS-DOS unzip program. If you need a Windows NT unzip program, you can download ntunzip2.exe, which is a self-extracting archive of Info-ZIP's freely distributable Unzip 5.0.

Notes about rogus15a.exe

If you wish to use the tar file in the self-extracting lha archive, follow these steps:
  1. Download the file rogus15a.exe.
  2. From the Windows NT command prompt, type "rogus15a". This will create a file ROGUS15A.TAR.
  3. From the Windows NT command prompt, type "pax -rvf ROGUS15A.TAR". The capitalization is important! This will create a directory Rogus-1.5a which has the Rogus McBogus files inside.

Modified 13 February 1996