Indiana Statesman, 13 October 2004
Music dept. offers free training sessions for software that allows amateurs to compose

San Diego Supercomputer Center at UCSD, 04 October 2004
SDSC Brings Renowned Ying String Quartet Together with Aspiring Composers, 30 August 2004
MIT's Hyperscore program merges technology and music composition

La Jolla Light, 29 July 2004
Music Society launches 'Hyperscore' competition, 11 April 2004
Celebrity Series will be orchestras only

Québec, 5 April 2004
Le lego des annéees 2000

UCF College of Arts & Sciences Press Room Website, 1 March 2004
Florida Film Festival Announces Nextart - Take Two: A Toy Symphony And Animated Emcees

Frames, January 2004
Fisher-Price to release Hyperscore-based toy

Reforma, 10 February 2004
Crean por accidente 'software' musical

Orlando Business Journal, 12 February 2004
Film festival to host Toy Symphony performance

Reforma, 5 February 2004
Alegra música de niños apertura del Domo Digital

Reforma, 27 December 2004
Crean niños música con método digital

Technology Review, October 2003
Toy Symphony Maestro: Children need no experience to play music with these toys

Cambridge Chronicle, 3 September 2003
Paving the way for the future

ZDNet, 30 July 2003
Hyperscore scores at SIGGRAPH

Spectrum, Summer 2003
Toy Symphony: Striking a chord with kids

The New York Times, 3 June 2003
Playing Music as a Toy, and a Toy as Music

Boston Globe, 28 April 2003
'Toy' brings joy of music to life

Boston Globe, 24 April 2003
Toying with Music

Boston Globe, 24 April 2003
Musical inventions help kids create a 'Toy' story

The Wall Street Journal, 21 May 2003
With Gadgets and Fun, Toy Symphony Lures Kids

The New York Times, 20 May 2003
Toys Take Little Ears On Trips In Sound

Ithaca Journal/Associated Press, 19 May 2003
The next (digital) Mozart?

NPR "All Things Considered," 17 May 2003
An MIT Prof's Toy Symphony Project (radio)

The Jewish Week, 16 May 2003
Toy Story

The New York Times, 16 May 2003
Family Fare

WNYC radio broadcast, 14 May 2003
New Sounds

Newsday, 11 May 2003
The Sounds of Play

Newsday, 11 May 2003
Composing Program Scores Points

New York Press, Volume 16, Issue 20
Toys for Tuneful Tots: Kids and their beatbugs in concert.

Arts Electric, 5 May 2003
Tod Machover and Toy Symphony

TechTalk, 30 April 2003
Toy is a joy in U.S. premiere performance at MIT

Christan Science Monitor, 29 April 2003
A digital approach to music may broaden range of interests

Boston Herald, 28 April 2003
BMOP and PALS boldly explore Machover's classical visions

NewMusicBox, 24 April 2003
Putting the fun back in playing: Toy Symphony comes to US

MIT News, 24 April 2003
Toy Symphony to have U.S. premiere April 26 at MIT

Plan Newsletter, MIT School of Architecture and Planning, April 2003
Toy Symphony Comes to Town

Scientific American Frontiers, 8 April 2003
Web article - Video (online streaming) - Image

Boston Herald, 30 March 2003
MIT team helps kids compose symphonies

Christian Science Monitor, 28 February 2003
High notes go high tech

Discovery Channel, 2 October 2002
Toy Symphony

TechTV, 9 September 2002
Not Your Father's Opera

Andante, 5 September 2002
Toy Story: An MIT Project Helps Musical Novices Express Themselves

BBC World, 15 August 2002
Toy Symphony

BBC Music Magazine, August 2002
Composing is Child's Play

Wired, 30 July 2002
Toying With Musical Instruments

Musik in der Schule, June 2002
Hyperscore -- Eine Kompositionssoftware für Schüler (MS Word doc)

Times Educational Supplement, 11 June 2002
Orchestral artistry with electronic twists

Times Educational Supplement, 7 June 2002
Every picture plays a score

TechTV broadcast, 5 June 2002
Tech Toys Teach Music (26.2MB QuickTime)

TechTV, 5 June 2002
Tech Toys Teach Music (article)

The Scotsman 4 June 2002
Classical music review: Toy Symphony

TechLearning, 4 June 2002
Children Use Colors and Patterns to Compose Music

The Scotsman, 1 June 2002
Wacky way to play

BBC Radio4, 30 May 2002
New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference Text article -- Broadcast

The New York Times, 27 May 2002
From a Few Colored Lines Come the Sounds of Music

Blue Peter broadcast, 22 May 2002
Toy Symphony: Beatbugs and Hyperscore (41.2MB QuickTime)

Australian Broadcasting Co., 20 May 2002
Toy Symphony

The Classical Source, May 2002
Beatbugs and hyperinstruments - A new Toy Symphony

Zeitschrift für Neue Musik, April 2002
Interaktion, Moderation und andere Kinderspiele

RTE Interactive, 9 April 2002
Professor Conducting Musical Experiment for Underprivileged Kids

BBC News, 15 April 2002
Radio Report of Dublin Concert (segment from 8'40" to 20'20")

RTE's Rattlebag, April 2002
Audio Report of Dublin Concert (11.9MB MP3)

Lyric FM, April 2002
Irish Radio Interview of Tod Machover

BBC News, 16 April 2002
Hi-Tech Musical Youth

BBC News, April 2002
E-Strings for the Future Musician

The Irish Times, 1 April 2002
The Hyper-Composer

Fono Forum, March 2002
Spielend Komponieren

SFB Online, 24 February 2002
Berliner Abendschau

Sunday Herald, February 2002
Bug section joins Scottish Symphony